Beard Wood Comb Bulk

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A wooden comb easily distributes natural oils from the scalp throughout the entire hair strand. Plastic combs can’t do this properly because your hair’s oils stick to them instead of getting distributed. By switching to a wooden comb, your hair will be much less greasy looking and have a healthy shine and bounce to it. By reaching the skin, this barber quality hair Comb encourages the distribution of natural oil that produces to keep your beard feeling and looking healthy when it might otherwise tend to look dull and lifeless. Wooden combs have wide teeth that easily glide through beard hairs, without snagging or breaking them. They are anti-static, so they won’t cause hair to snap or get frizzy. These combs also aid in the process of moisturizing, as the wood will absorb both your skin’s natural oils and your beard products. A beard comb is an excellent tool to have in dealing with ingrown hair because of the combing action, and the comb’s teeth, gently prying out hair that already is or may become ingrown. And ridding your beard and skin of ingrown hair is essential to healthy beard growth.

Brand: Wholistic You SKU: WNWC-2-2 Categories: , , ,

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